A little Mama-to-Be scare the day before the shower landed Em in the hospital for a night and gave us all a little concern she might miss her shower. But, with reassurance from the good doctor and determination on her part, the shower went on as planned and was a success. I think she's set for at least a few months (well, maybe weeks knowing babies!) with diapers, wipes, clothes, books, and all the necessary new baby items. Now if he decides to come a little early, she'll be ready!
We had guests from Richmond, VA who will be this little baby's GREAT, GREAT Aunts. That's 4 generations!! How wonderful!
I wanted to post a few photos from the afternoon of all the details that have kept me busy (in a good way) for the last few weeks. I totally enjoyed planning and putting together this shower and a big thanks to everyone who helped me! We definitely can't wait to meet the newest addition to our family in a few short weeks.