Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Trucks and Buckets-A Boy and his Toys!

This yellow Tonka truck has been around our house for over 8 years now. The boys' Grandpop gave it to Jake when he was born-literally! Now it is Brett's turn at the "built tough" truck and he had a blast with it yesterday. Up and down the backyard and around again. His other favorite toys at the moment are buckets. I think he gets this from his love affair with the horses at Grandad's house. Buckets (or bucks as he calls them) was one of his first words! These two little ones made their backyard debut yesterday as well and he had a blast finding treasures around the yard to fill them up with. Pinecones, rocks, dog toys, and dirt all had their place in his buckets. He even put the buckets in the truck and took them for a ride. He did have a little competition from the dog who was just as eager to take things out of the buckets as Brett was to put them in the buckets. Just a few disputes among the two of them! Brett takes it in stride and tells Rocky "no, No, NO!" So glad to see the nice weather finally arriving so we can have more backyard adventures!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Sweet, sweet Kallie

She has to be the most beautiful baby girl...so much personality for her young 10 weeks. So smiley! So active! So adoring of her parents! I enjoyed my time with her yesterday and I have to admit, enjoyed some pink in my house, too. Waaaaaaaay too much blue around here! Little miss Kallie was too busy checking everything out for us to get any sleeping baby photos, but that's ok because we got plenty smiling baby photos. Very impressive for only 10 weeks. Annie, I hope your first day back at work is good. Here's a little peek at your beautiful daughter to get you through the day. :) She's just gorgeous and thanks for sharing her with me yesterday! I'll see you soon!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

"Two" much fun to be ONE!

Two birthday cakes, two number one candles, two ride on motorcycles, two adorable one year old brothers! What fun I had at Jaxson and Cash's birthday celebration yesterday! It really is amazing how far they've come in one short year. They are walking all over the place and have their own little personalities. I'm thrilled that the family asked me to capture this special day for the boys. I took almost 400 images from the event (and it was still going when I left!) so I'm barely through them, but I wanted to give the family a sneak peek at the fun. Hope you enjoy them and thanks again for having me!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hard to believe these little guys will be one on Saturday. I can't wait to celebrate their special day with them!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Uncovering fun...

The warm weekend enticed my boys outside to do some exploring. I was pleasantly surprised that in this crazy world of video games, all kid channel tv, expensive toys, etc., my guys entertained themselves practically all day Saturday just with what nature gave them in the backyard. A few earthworms, some pinecones, sticks, rocks, and some space to run around kept them happy for hours. They even got their cousin to touch a worm! Oh, and don't worry, no worms were harmed in this process. Just a little boy trying to give his mom a heart attack by threatening to eat a worm!

Monday, March 9, 2009


My wish for warmer weather came true this weekend. We had two gorgeous days Saturday and Sunday. The boys dug through their drawers for shorts and t-shirts and hubby found some time to do yard work. Spring was definitely in the air! I was a little sad to see the long range forecast showing 40 degree temps for this coming up weekend but at least we got a taste for what is going to come with time. March is usually like that with up and down temperatures. Anyway, I got to take my camera outside and capture these two cuties in action. There were bug hunts and earthworms involved in this cousin extravaganza! Enjoy these two sisters!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Remember warmer days?

We have definitely had enough of winter around my house. We didn't get enough snow to be fun and the most recent snow we got this week was enough, but it was too darn cold to enjoy it much. I've been dreaming of warmer days and remembering what it felt like to be outside with no coats, no hats, no mittens and no SHOES! I know that spring finally does come rescue us from winter and now that the calendar has flipped to March, it will be here soon. Today, I'm looking back and trying to remember the green grass, those lazy beach days with family, the ice cream truck, and just sitting in the porch rockers and enjoying the outdoors! I can't wait to get back outside with my camera and start taking outdoor portraits again! Spring can't arrive soon enough for me! Hope you enjoy my little bit of warmth today...